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The Doctoral Exchange

2016 Charanne Smith DM Image
2017 DM speaker
EMS 2015 Baltimore
Garthen Leslie
comm-doctoral 2015
2015 Commencement..
Jeff Gonzalez speaker 2014
Paula Pitcher
ben litalian
Chris Walach
Dominique Bouet
2015 Grads and DM Staff
2015 Commencement
2015 Commencement..
newspaper image
Spring 2011 cohort Picture
UMUC Adelphi
Jeff Gonzalez
Wanda Wagner Speaker 2015
Grads 2014_2015
Commencement 2013 Monica and Marina
EMS 2015 Baltimore

In cooperation with the Executive DBA Council (EDBAC), the DM Program organized and hosted this conference from September 10-13 in Baltimore, Maryland. Its theme “The Paradigm Shift in Doctoral Education for Scholar-Practitioners” focused on evidence-based research and learning that builds scholar-practitioner competence.

Commencement 2017

On Thursday, May 11, 2017, we held the Doctoral Commencement Ceremony at the College Park Inn and Conference Center, Adelphi MD. Among many special moments the event included the moving speech of Dr. David Phillips '16 and the hooding and announcement of.....

DM & DMCCPA Graduate *Spotlights*

Chris Walach (DM 2012) was recruited by the Nevada Governor’s Office of Economic Development; Chris Walach fills the key position of Director of Operations for the Nevada Institute for Autonomous Systems (NIAS).  This non-profit works on behalf of the Governor’s Office of Economic Development.  NIAS helps to grow the Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Industry through business teaming, partnerships, research and development, and education awareness in order to bring in business and jobs to the State of Nevada. 


Dr. Sharon Hadary

Dr. Claudine Schweber

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