Valecia Dunbar, DM'13
Valecia L. Dunbar, DM ‘13 is co-founder, with Kuan Collins (2013) of the Dr. Dunbar is a public affairs specialist at U.S. Army Medical Command in San Antonio, Texas, and was honored as the Com- mand’s 2013 Civilian Journalist of the Year. She was formerly Director of marketing at Royal Air Force, Mildenhall, England. In 2010, Valecia was a doctoral fellow of the British Academy of Management and later a 2012 visiting researcher at Cranfield University School of Management, England, under the supervision of David Denyer, PhD. Her research interests include managerial leadership in 21st century crisis contexts, risk and crisis communication, managerial and organizational cognition, nonprofit management, sensemaking theory, and high reliability organizations. Her Research Website is: